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into the wild有哲理的句子

阅无尽 923

I cast my selfinto the wildhunt.我将自己抛入这狂野的追猎,All were successfully releasedinto the wild.所有的都被成功释放到。into the wild有哲理的句子?跟着小编一起来看看吧!

I cast my selfinto the wildhunt.我将自己抛入这狂野的追猎。

All were successfully releasedinto the wild.所有的都被成功释放到野外。

Yesterday I saw a film "Into the wild". It's so exciting!昨天我看了电影《荒野生存》,真是激动人心。

Have you brought your user research effortsinto the wild?你的用户研究工作走入旷野了么?