搜一搜:  桂林景点  海南旅游


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Once upon a time there was a young prince visiting the countries of the world. During his journey, h。小王子与玫瑰花的故事原文?跟着小编一起来看看吧!

Once upon a time there was a young prince visiting the countries of the world. During his journey, he stopped in a desert land and discovered a rose garden.Through the garden he saw a beautiful rose and fell deeply in love.He plucked one flower from the rose bush and put it in his pocket.

Then a fox, which had been watching the prince, came and said, “You are very naive. Humans won’t understand the kind of love you have just discovered. They would like to possess what they love and would eventually destroy it.”

The prince smiled sadly and said, “But this rose is so beautiful and I love it so much. How can I keep it safe?”

The fox answered, “You must take the rose and find a place where it will be safe forever and love it with all your heart.”

The prince nodded and then went away, determined to find a place where his beloved rose could grow without fear of harm.

And from that day onwards, the young prince and his rose were never seen in that desert land again. However, stories of the prince and his rose were passed down from generation to generation and remain an inspiration to us all.