搜一搜:  桂林景点  海南旅游


阅无尽 341

以下是里约大冒险中的一些超简单经典语录:, &34;I&39;m just a bird who can&39;t fly.&34; - Blu (我只是一只不能飞的鸟), &34;I&39;m n。里约大冒险超简单经典语录?跟着小编一起来看看吧!


1. "I'm just a bird who can't fly." - Blu (我只是一只不能飞的鸟。)

2. "I'm not a pet, I'm not a lapdog, and I am not food. I am not an it. And FYI, I prefer the term 'wild and crazy'." - Jewel (我不是宠物,不是客人,不是食物,我不是"它"。顺便说一下,我更喜欢被称为"狂野而疯狂"。)

3. "We're birds! We're not supposed to be locked up in boxes and treated like property." - Nico (我们是鸟!我们不应该被关在箱子里,当成财产对待。)

4. "I was so scared I almost swallowed my pen cap." - Pedro (我吓得差点把笔盖吞了。)

5. "Rule number one: never leave your wingman." - Nico (第一条规则:永远不要离开你的翼友。)

6. "If I'm going down, I'm going down in a blaze of macaw." - Blu (如果我要死,那我就要以金刚鹦鹉的热情燃烧殆尽。)

7. "You can take the bird out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the bird." - Rafael (你可以把鸟从丛林中带出来,但你无法从鸟身上拿走丛林的气息。)

8. "Adventure is out there!" - Blu's owner (冒险在那里!)

9. "You know what they say: it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." - Nigel (你知道那句老话吧:宁愿爱过而失去,也不愿从未拥有过。)

10. "Hmm, that'll be a tough nut to crack." - Rafael (嗯,那会是个棘手的难题。)
