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lung一般要用复数么 什么情况用单数

阅无尽 810

用复数lungs 或者单数lung 取决于具体情况 例如: ,1) Not only cancer, but also heart and lung disease are influenced b。lung一般要用复数么 什么情况用单数?跟着小编一起来看看吧!

用复数lungs 或者单数lung 取决于具体情况。 例如:

1) Not only cancer, but also heart and lung disease are influenced by smoking. 不仅是癌症,还有心脏病和肺部疾病也都会受吸烟影响。

2) Your lungs are the two organs inside your chest which fill with air when you breathe in. 前者用lung做名词形容词。 后者是指身体器官。