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阅无尽 265

(vt.) 养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励, 抱(希望) ,To bring up; nurture: 养育,抚养: ,bear and foster offspring.See Synonyms at。什么是Foster?跟着小编一起来看看吧!

(vt.) 养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励, 抱(希望)

1.To bring up; nurture: 养育,抚养:

2.bear and foster offspring.See Synonyms at nurture 生养和抚养后代参见 nurture

3.To promote the growth and development of; cultivate: 促进,培养:促进生长、发展等;培养: detect and foster artistic talent.See Synonyms at advance 发展并培养艺术才能参见 advance

4.To nurse; cherish: 抱有;怀有: foster a secret hope. 抱着秘密的希望 (n.) 养育者, 鼓励者 (adj.) Providing parental care and nurture to children not related through legal or blood ties: 收养的:对在法律和血缘上没有关系的孩子提供父母般照料的: foster parents; foster grandparents; a foster home. 养父母;寄养的祖父母;寄养的家庭 Receiving parental care and nurture from those not related to one through legal or blood ties: 被收养的:从和自己没有法律或血缘关系的人那里接受父母般照料的: foster children. 收养的孩子