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英国·乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集》,Cock Duckley lives in a frugal widow\'s yard with seven hens. One morning, the cock w。求《坎特伯雷故事集》的完整中文版?跟着小编一起来看看吧!


Cock Duckley lives in a frugal widow\'s yard with seven hens. One morning, the cock woke up from his nightmare. He dreamed of a wild animal lurking in the grass waiting for an opportunity to kill him


Patrick, his favorite hen, laughed at his cowardice, believing that a man\'s big husband should dare to despise everything, be bold and knowledgeable, and advise him not to put his dreams in mind


But cocks give many examples to show that people are foreboded in their dreams before they suffer from adversity. For example, two people couldn\'t find a hotel and one had to lodge in a cowshed. At night, another man twice dreamed that his friend in the cowshed was asking for help


He ignored it. In his third dream, his friend told him that he had been murdered by a money-hungry groomsman, and begged him to stop a dung truck the next morning. His body was hidden in the bottom of the dung truck. Facts do confirm the vision of dreams


The murderer was later exposed and hanged. Another example is that two people have to go on a long voyage by boat because the wind is not right and they are forced to delay for one day


That night, one of them was warned in his dream not to go to sea the next day, or he would drown. His companion disagreed and insisted on leaving. Later, he was killed. The cock said these terrible things and reassured himself


As soon as the day breaks, he looks for food and pleasure with hens as usual, leaving behind his fears of last night. Suddenly, he was surprised to find the fox hiding in the grass


Just as he was about to run away, the fox stopped him and said that he had come to appreciate the cock\'s singing. The cock\'s heart burst with flattery. Just as he posed for a song, the fox rushed forward, grabbed him by the neck and rushed to the nest


The hens\'panicky crying attracted the widow and her two daughters. The crowd joined forces with sticks to catch up. When the cock saw the situation, he played a trick on the fox, struggled out of his mouth and escaped the bad luck
