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She put the lead on the dog她哄骗那条狗 lead on 劝诱, 使误信, 哄骗If you have no intention of marrying her, you 。Sheputtheleadonthedog是什么意思?跟着小编一起来看看吧!

She put the lead on the dog她哄骗那条狗 lead on 劝诱, 使误信, 哄骗If you have no intention of marrying her, you shouldn't keep leading her on.如果你不打算和她结婚, 你就不应该继续哄骗她。

Salesmen do their best to lead people on to buy things they don't need.推销员竭其所能诱使人们去买那些他们不需要的东西